Xochimilco day trip

Aware of the importance of the cultural and natural heritage of Mexico City, Centros Ecoclub invites students to discover Xochimilco. A discovery that will allow us to go back to the preHispanic era and discover the remains of what was the great hydraulic work of Mexica. Students will also discover the artistic and cultural wealth of the convent of San Bernardino de Siena (1535) and its importance as an evangelizing center in New Spain.

The topics developed during the day will make you understand and reflect about:

Why preserve natural and cultural heritage.
Adaptation to the environment of the Mexica people.
The biodiversity of the Xochimilco area in danger and extinct species.
The importance of the Colony in New Spain.


Sensitization to the reality and contemporary environmental problems of Mexico City
Assessment and reflection on the conservation of natural and cultural heritage
Historical and iconographic study of the Temple of San Bernardino de Siena.
Study of the geographical, biological and ecological framework of Xochimilco
Study and reflection on the chinampero agro-ecosystem.
Process of transformation of the pre-Columbian lake city to the colonial city of the Tolvaneras.
Reflection on technology and hydraulic Mexica engineering.
Awareness about ecological rescue and conservation of technological heritage.
Reflection on the environmental deterioration of the area.